Your Natural Weight Loss Diet
Labels Enable?
Don’t Label Me
Most of us don’t like labels. They generalize us, take away our uniqueness, and can be rooted in arrogance, ignorance or prejudice.
Instead of labeling people, it’s best to describe each one for their own personal qualities and characteristics. This way life in fact becomes richer, we learn to discern people better, and create a sensitivity to seeing the best each individual has to offer.
Unfortunately, we can’t do that with food. Imagine trying to label each food product in a unique, singular way. There are simply too many options, too many types of foods, too many products. So the only way to label food packages is with some type of orderly, symmetric system. One that will allow us, the customer, to have a better understanding of the product we are about to buy.
If only that were true.

Meaningless Labels
Unfortunately, the laws that govern food labeling seem to have one rule in common: confuse the customers. Better yet, deceive them. Although they say one thing, often the true meaning of labels is opposite to what they apparently want to inform.
Why, and how, is that?
At some point, labels stopped being informative and began being manipulative. Their purpose was no longer to inform, it was simply to sell. In fact, nowadays labels have become a regulated way of selling us products that are unhealthy for us, by marketing them as healthy.
And the impact they have on us is huge. Because try as we may, we can’t ignore them. Practically every food product, every package, is labeled. And that label, often highlighted, is telling us about the benefits of the product. Benefits that very often, the product doesn’t have.
Label the label
Our best way to deal with this somewhat dishonest way of labeling is knowledge. Once we as customers know what each label actually means, by law, we can avoid the false influence it has over us.
And by doing that, we can avoid eating fattening food that is being marketed as perfect for our diets. So let us become label experts. Let’s learn the secrets of food labels, and understand their true, hidden meaning.
Here are some examples of labels and their actual meaning:
- Enriched (or Fortified)
- What it sounds like: the food is rich with nutrients and it will make us stronger.
- What it actually means: Vitamins or Minerals have been artificially added to the product. In practically all cases, these additives are from a chemical source. The body is unable to process them effectively or absorb them, and thus they have no positive impact on us.
- Fruit Flavored
- What is sounds like: a product that has fruit in it
- What it actually means: A product to which artificial flavor was added to make it taste like a specific fruit.
- Gluten-Free
- What it sounds like: healthier
- What it actually means: the product has no gluten. Gluten isn’t harmful unless you suffer from gluten-sensitivity or celiac disease. The product might be loaded with sugar and/or artificial and processed ingredients.
- Light:
- What it sounds like: not as fattening
- What it actually means: the food was artificially processed to lower calories or fat. But it still can contain large amounts of sugar, or other similar sweeteners, for example.
- Low-Calorie:
- What it sounds like: great for losing weight
- What it actually means: Has at least 33% less calories than the same brand’s original product. It still can have a lot of calories anyhow, and it is only low in direct comparison to that same products’ normal package.
- Low carb or Low fat:
- What it sounds like: not fattening.
- What it actually means: First of all, nothing. There isn’t a threshold or point of comparison. Secondly, in most cases it means the amount of carbs or fat has been artificially reduced. As a rule of thumb, to compensate for the reduced carbs and fat (and taste) sugar is added.
- Whole Grains Product
- What it sounds like: we are buying a product made of whole grains
- What it actually means: there are whole grains in the product. The product might have 95% processed grains and 5% whole grains and still carry that label.
- Multigrain
- What it sounds like: healthy and nutritious
- What it actually means: It contains at least two types of grains, probably refined grains. And can contain, fat, sugar, salt etc., in great quantities.
- Natural
- What it sounds like: made with natural ingredients
- What it actually means: At some point of the production process, the manufacturer used (but didn’t necessarily add to the final product) a natural ingredient (such as a fruit, grain or vegetable). Seriously, that is enough for a Natural label, we’re not making this up…
- No added sugar
- What is sounds like: good for avoiding sugar in diet
- What it actually means: The product might be naturally full of sugar. Or, another unhealthy sweetener was added instead of sugar…
- Organic
- What it sounds like: healthy
- What it actually means: For a clearer picture, read our article about organic food. But remember, organic is only healthier than the non-organic same product. For example, organic honey is still fattening…
This is labeled: Conclusion
Going to the supermarket seems simple enough, but unfortunately, there isn’t a true attempt to protect us, as customers, from unhealthy and fattening food.
There does seem to be a clear attempt to protect the food manufacturer and allow it to sell more.
That is why you need to protect yourself, with knowledge, understanding, and consciousness. That is why, at Nawelo, we focus on more than the best food, recipes and tastes. With Nawelo’s natural weight loss diet, you learn the dirtiest secrets of the food industry, the misleading marketing schemes and how to identify fattening products.
By doing that, and with the help of all the tips and information in our diet course, you avoid cravings, reduce sweets intake, and enjoy a consistent and permanent weight loss path.
Don’t let fake labels fool you nor artificial foods to fatten you. Join Nawelo, align with nature, and start your weight loss path.
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