Your Natural Weight Loss Diet




Organic Questions…

Organic food. It’s healthier. It’s better for the environment. It’s tastier. It helps us lose weight. It’s more expensive, but we should buy it.

Is all this true?  Besides, what exactly is organic food? We see it everywhere, we buy it, and eat it, and are pretty sure it’s the best option when available or affordable. But when we ask ourselves what organic food actually means, do we have an answer?

Well, today, we are going to find that answer, define what organic actually means after all, and organize our organic preferences. 

But there is yet another factor we need to pay attention to. And that is, just how organic, organic food is. An organic apple and a non-organic apple look  exactly the same. How do we know what we are buying?


Finding a Definition

As it turns out, organic food doesn’t mean one thing, but many:

    • It’s farming that cycles resources 
    • It’s farming that conserves biodiversity and ecological balance
    • It restricts use of pesticides and fertilizers
    • It doesn’t use irradiation, industrial solvents or synthetic food additives

Now, what does all this mean?

Well, one conclusion is that organic food is a term used not only to define a way of growing food, but also how farmers treat the land and the planet. 

In that sense organic food might be important for the environment, but it wouldn’t affect your diet at all.

Another conclusion, and an important one, is that organic food isn’t food that was grown without pesticides at all. Or completely naturally. It does mean that use of unnatural farming techniques or products was limited. 

So, if we would like to find ourselves a clearer definition for what is organic, perhaps that would be: 

Food that is grown with awareness to what is unhealthy to you and the environment. In that sense, it is better than food that isn’t organic. But it isn’t home-grown.



Should we buy it?

That being said, is organic food worth buying? Just how healthier is it really? 

Avoiding irradiation totally or partially is important. Irradiation basically means exposing food to radiation, which increases its shelf life. Would you like to eat food that was purposely exposed to radiation? Neither would I.

Although organic farmers are allowed to use pesticides to save crops, they do not use them as a rule of thumb. The result is that there is more than five times as much pesticide residue in normal food in comparison to organic food. Would you choose the apple that has five times more pesticides? Neither would I. 

These are two examples but the idea remains the same. Less synthetic food additives, industrial solvents (chemicals), are better for us. A first obvious conclusion seems to indicate that organic foods are decisively healthier. Not necessarily tastier, not necessarily pesticide-free, but the better option for us to choose from.

So should we ALWAYS buy them?

But the other conclusion is that we cannot always know just how organic is the organic food we are buying.

Did the farmer face a sudden attack on his crops that forced him to use pesticides within the allowed limits? Did the farmer use less irradiation, but the crop was irradiated nonetheless? 

What about the quality of the soil? Has it been used to grow non-organic produce and is still affected by the chemicals that were used on it?

We simply cannot know. So we need to accept that when we buy organic products, although we are making the better choice, there is an element of uncertainty as to how organic that organic food is.

But for that, there is a compromise…

Save on Organic Quinoa…

Although we might be alike in many ways, we are all unique and different. And therefore we treat each other in unique and different ways. With food, it’s the same story.  

Not all foods are grown equally and not all require the same amount of pesticides and chemicals to keep them safe from pests, fresh for longer, or enable them to grow faster. 

Quinoa is the perfect example. The reason quinoa will almost always be organic is that quinoa crops are not susceptible to pest attacks. Perhaps pests just don’t enjoy quinoa… The bottom line is, for health purposes, and diet purposes, buying a quinoa brand that is marketed as “organic” is kind of like paying more for a car that is marketed as having “round wheels”.

As for the rest of foods and vegetables, of course, organic is better, but, in some crops the difference is more significant. Here is a list of best and worse:


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Always buy organic:

These fruit and vegetables are treated with the most amount of pesticides and other chemicals. So make an effort to always buy organic produce:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale/Collard/Mustard Greens
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples/Pears
  6. Grapes
  7. Cherries
  8. Peaches
  9. Celery
  10. Tomatoes

Grown with less pesticides:

On the other hand, here is a list of fruits and vegetables that need less pesticides to grow unbothered, and therefore, although still better when organic, the difference is smaller:

  1. Avocado
  2. Sweet Corn
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onions
  5. Kiwi
  6. Cabbage
  7. Mushrooms
  8. Watermelon
  9. Sweet Potatoes
  10. Asparagus


Regain your natural energy, maintain your optimal weight and free yourself from the diet world. The Nawelo diet course includes a full diet menu with recipes, eating habits, craving control and much more!

Organic Weight Loss

Now that we have a better notion of what organic is, how organic is it, and to what extent it is beneficial to us (very), how is this related to our diet or our weight?

The Nawelo diet explores and answers this question in great detail. Understanding just how important the quality of the food we eat is, and what a huge impact it has on our weight are part of what you learn with the Nawelo diet.

Natural weight loss helps us align with nature and achieve our natural, permanent weight. And although it would seem that an organically grown apple and a regular apple have the same exact impact on our weight, digging deeper we discover that in fact, they don’t. 

The connection between healthier food and weight loss is fascinating, and once you understand it fully, it increases your determination, your certainty and your ability to lose weight.

Start the Nawelo diet today, it’s the organic, natural, healthiest way to lose weight correctly, and permanently.

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