Your Natural Weight Loss Diet
The Art of Aging
Why We Age or How We Age?
This article isn’t about getting old. It’s about living well.
Any age is a wonderful experience, but quality of life can determine just how wonderful of an experience we have. If we are healthy, energetic, curious, active, goal-focused, our lives are fuller, more dynamic, more exciting and more mind-opening.
Yet as time goes by we age. It may affect health, energy, activity and of course, our looks. And frequently, our weight. And although aging doesn’t necessarily mean gaining weight, there are more thin 20 year olds than there are 30 year olds, and more thin 30 year olds than thin 40 year olds, and so forth.

So to try and unearth the secrets of aging, or its delay, let us ask a question about questions:
Which is more meaningful: why we age, or how we age?
And one creative answer is: if we know why we age, perhaps we can control how we age. Therefore, why we age, would be the best question to focus on.
So let us have a go, let’s try to understand why we age. And if we can find a reasonable explanation, if we are able to know why, then hopefully we will influence how we age as well.
Aging Theories
As it turns out, there are plenty of theories about aging and not one definite, overwhelming reason. In fact, it is a fascinating subject that many scientists throughout history have tried to decode, principally in pursuit of that eternal youth. Wanting to stay forever young seems to be a natural human desire.
In order not to overwhelm you with scientific explanations, lets summarize these theories in a very simple way:
- Some theories concentrate on the idea that aging is natural. Our cells were designed to age. Regardless of any external factors or influence, cells will age. They do the aging. Our body ages because that is what it was programmed to do. That is one range of theories.
- Another set of theories concentrates on the idea that external factors trigger the aging process. You could say, very simplistically, that these theories all refer to the idea of wear and tear. These theories tend to agree on the fact that aging is inevitable. The cells, organs, body, will age. There is no way around it. But since this is a result of external forces, there is some ability to delay the aging process.
- And the third set of theories kind of takes an interesting middle road. What these theories say is that our body simply isn’t interested enough in avoiding aging. Again, to put it in very simple language: it is too busy living, and developing the cells and proteins and capacities that allow us to thrive. Therefore it doesn’t develop the capacity of cells to prolong their life cycle.
One important note: in general these theories are not trying to contradict one another. The scientists that came up with the theories that our cells age naturally, accept the idea that of course, we also age as a result of external factors.
The scientists that developed the theories about aging as a result of external influence, understand that, in addition to that, cells simply age, naturally.
And finally, those who concocted the theories about our body not giving enough relevance to the development of anti-aging mechanisms, agree that actual aging occurs naturally, and as a result of external factors.
Scientists are not disagreeing. They are exploring different reasons. And at the same time, well, confusing us.
So why do we age?
One thing we must always keep in mind is that life can be beautiful at all ages. Nature created a balance for us that we can enjoy. If at a younger age we have a lot of energy, at an older age we are wiser, and use our energy better. If at a younger age we are full of plans, at an older age we are rich in memories. Balance.
And yes, that gift has stages. We do age. So let’s take all those theories and transform them into one coherent idea, that will allow us to understand why we age.
To do that, let’s understand these theories with a clear example. And to do that, let’s use cars.
If everyone would need to buy just one car, that would last them forever, then, who would want to be a car maker? And how would the economy thrive? Would anyone take care of their car, knowing it will last a lifetime? And how would cars evolve, if most cars would be a hundred years old?
Therefore, car makers purposely make cars that won’t last too long. They are built to be excellent for a while, then being ok, then being too costly to maintain. They are made that way to begin with, because that is what actually ensures we have better cars every generation.
And that is the 1st type of aging theories. The ones that explain how and why our body was built to age and be finite.
On the other hand, the better care you take of your car, the longer it will last and serve you well. Will it last you a lifetime? Probably not. The toll of the road will eventually catch up with it, and even if you regularly take it to the best mechanics and use the best oils and parts, it will only take you that far.
But, you most certainly can make it last much longer with proper care. And that is what the 2nd type of theories investigate: Why does the car eventually break down, how can we make it last longer, and when does it stop making sense trying.
Which could lead us to wonder about antique cars. Even the oldest cars seem to work well if you just keep taking care of them. Can’t we do that with our body, and not age?
Well, the reason we don’t all drive antique cars is that it isn’t sustainable nor convenient. We would need to invest so much time and money in maintaining the car that it would stop making sense. And in a way, that is what our body does as well. That is in fact the idea behind the 3rd type of aging theories.
It just doesn’t seem to make sense to put so much effort in prolonging the life of cells. Because the energy that would be required to constantly do that would take away from our life experience to the point that, well, it wouldn’t be such a great experience anymore. So our body just doesn’t create those mechanisms, doesn’t develop them. There isn’t a blueprint to how we can make a car that lasts forever, because it would just demand too much work. We would be working for the car, instead of it serving us.
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Age and Diet
So here is an important discovery we have made, by understanding better why we age: we have some control on how we age.
True, we can’t control it totally. At the end of the day, aging is part of nature. But we can improve the aging experience significantly, by taking better care of ourselves.
And dieting has everything to do with that.
After all, eating in excess, and to an extent, exercising in excess, is the same as putting more and more miles or kilometers on our odometer. If we drive that car of ours around nonstop, it will not be in great shape.
Likewise, if we eat too much, or choose food that forces us to make a big effort when digesting it, we are aging faster. When we exercise at an exaggerated pace our car stops being fast and powerful, and start being just, tired. An old.
And that is where the Nawelo Diet fits in. To find that perfect, natural balance. Eating enough of the right foods to fill us with energy without burdening our body. Exercising enough and correctly to give us strength without wearing down our tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Finding that perfect natural balance that might not define our life expectancy, but can definitely improve the way we experience aging.
Regain your natural energy, maintain your optimal weight and free yourself from the diet world. The Nawelo diet course includes a full diet menu with recipes, eating habits, craving control and much more!
And how does it look…?
At Nawelo we acknowledge that dieting is not only about losing weight, it is about gaining confidence. Not only about feeling lighter, but also about looking better.
And although they go hand in hand, because if we feel better we look better, the fact is aging influences our looks as well.
Using the lessons learned with the Nawelo Diet you can improve the flexibility and shinness of your skin, keep it younger and even get rid or improve the looks of wrinkles and spots you might have thought would stay with you forever.
Aging is an art. An emotional art first and foremost. Accepting the process, embracing each age and how it blesses us, discovering what new wisdom and experiences it brings.
And also, a practical art. The art of staying physically young, or proportionally younger. Using nature as our ally to have more energy, more vitality, more exuberance and beauty for a longer time.
So come be an artist, and transform your body, yourself, into your greatest masterpiece. With Nawelo, we’ll show you how.