Your Natural Weight Loss Diet




Becoming the eternal thin friend

Our college years can be confusing. We want to strive as students, as independent adults, as partners. But, we also want to enjoy life, feel a sense of freedom and even adventure. And these two sets of goals are a bit contradictory. 

Because in order to stay focused when learning,  show our ability to be responsible, maintain our weight and feel attractive,  we need to eat better, be mindful of our weight. Impose limits. 

Yet to enjoy life, experience it fully, be adventurous, we go over those limits. We want to go out, have fun, eat, drink.  

And during those years we each try to balance that contradiction as best we can.

woman on beach

But not that thin friend. She or he looks great, no matter how much they eat. They don’t gain weight, don’t seem to suffer indigestion, don’t seem to be affected by food choices at all.

Fast forward ten years. We all meet at a wedding. On average we have a couple of children by now, are busy making a living and paying for rent or mortgage, sometimes we feel like we don’t have the time or energy to exercise, to eat meals in an orderly fashion, to take care of ourselves.  And each of us, more, or less, look the part. We gained some weight, or we have become super mindful of what we eat so as to not gain weight. If we are women and have gone through pregnancy, we are doing our best to get our body back to shape it had before. 

But not that thin friend.  Here she/he is looking the same, eating the same, not an ounce heavier. As if food intake just doesn’t compute in their system.

Fast forward once or twice more, and the plot stays the same. Whenever we meet them, they remind us of this parallel universe, where eating seems to have no relation to gaining weight. They stay thin, we stay puzzled. 

If only we could be that way…   

Wait… can we?!

Other than the food we eat, the way we eat it, the lifestyle choices we make…what else defines our weight, our look, our body type? Can we define it? Is it pre established? And, what does nature have to say about this? Does it give us a chance to be that eternal thin friend?



Who can be my thin friend?

It turns out the answer to those questions isn’t a simple yes or no. But since we need to start somewhere, let’s start from the top: our height. 

By nature people come in different heights. Although dietary adjustments and participating in certain sports during childhood and adolescence can and do influence height, the fact is, height is mostly hereditary. Tall people don’t need to make an effort to become tall. Short people don’t need to make an effort to remain short.  Every person and their natural height. 

In that sense, weight isn’t all that different. Some people, genetically, have larger bones, a predisposition to create more muscle, or fat, a faster metabolism or a larger production of certain hormones that influence weight. We all have a mix of these factors and it establishes our natural weight.


Does this mean we cannot then become that thin friend? The one who eats whatever they want and stays thin?

Well, before we answer that question, first let’s ask this: can anyone become thin to begin with? Even those among us who by nature have a bulky body type?

The answer is yes. Of course we can. If we don’t eat enough, for long enough, we become skinny. All of us.

But that isn’t dieting. That is similar to starving. We never want that solution because it depletes us, we don’t lose just weight, we lose health. And indeed, when people lose too much weight, they don’t look good. They don’t look healthy. And frequently they look older. Why? Because healthwise, their body has aged. So, of course, none of us wants that.

That is why we want to divide our answer into two separate facts:

  1. So, can we become that skinny friend? No. Not all of us. We all have a body type. We don’t need to change it. Because if our natural weight isn’t “super-skinny” weight, then “super-skinny” weight isn’t good for us. Nor will it be our most attractive look. 
  2. But, can we become that skinny friend? Yes! Because we can eat anything we want, and always maintain our desired weight. That, we can all do. That we can all achieve. 


         Yet, how?


The Nawelo Body Type

If we want to stay as thin as is right for us, first we need to understand,  how do we define our body type?

Perhaps you have heard of endomorphic, mesomorphic or ectomorphic. Which we can very loosely translate into bulky, sturdy and skinny. This terms are good enough to define how you look at a given stage in your life, but scientifically, they are not a categorization. The scientific community doesn’t want to categorize people clearly by dividing them into body types.

Why? The answer to that question is important:

As we explained, our body type depends on certain innate characteristics. Bone structure, muscle growth, metabolism, hormones, enzymes. They come in different sizes, quantities and qualities. And the reason that defining an absolute body type isn’t scientifically correct is that, while some of these traits remain unchanged throughout life, such as height, others can be changed, and still others, will change regardless of our effort.

Here is an example: by nature most women accumulate fat at the hips, thighs and buttocks. While most men will accumulate fat around the belly. This isn’t by chance, and has everything to do with the hormones that women, or men, produce.

Yet for women, once they reach a certain age beyond their reproductive years, their body stops producing certain hormones. Then the accumulation of fat also shifts, and they start gaining weight around the waist, like men do.

So what is their body type? Thinner waist and curvy buttocks? Probably, at a younger age. Thinner buttocks and larger waist? Possibly, down the line. 



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In conclusion: body types are defined partially by absolute factors, such as height, and partially by changing factors. And certain changing factors, we can influence. 

So, while you do have a certain body type, you can nonetheless, within your limits, have an ideal body type. And that ideal shape, we call that your Nawelo body type. This is its definition:

My Nawelo look is the best body type I can achieve by nature. 

By nature, what we at Nawelo mean is: my ability to influence my body type without altering its nature through the use of hormones, medicine, surgery, injections, excessive exercise or supplements. 

And that is part of what we learn in the Nawelo diet course. How to attain our perfect, natural, fit frame.

The other thing we learn is to define our ideal weight.

Nawelo and our ideal weight

Can we become that skinny friend who eats and never gains weight? Yes we can. 

In fact that is very much what the Nawelo diet teaches us. How to achieve exactly that goal. How to be very much so, that friend that maintains the ideal weight. 

But what is your ideal weight? 

As a rule of thumb, doctors and nutritionists use the Body Mass index to establish what the ideal weight range is. The Body Mass index isn’t perfect science, but isn’t entirely flawed. It’s also easy to figure out:

Take your weight (in kilograms) and divide it by the square root of your height (in meters). Or simply look at this chart. 

If your BMI is anywhere between 20 and 25, by medical standards, and probably by visual standards as well, you are doing just fine. 

Except the BMI doesn’t account for some important factors, all related to… your body type. 

For example, if by nature you have a stronger build, more muscle, a tendency to gain weight in the belly area, are relatively short or very high, the BMI results will not tell the real story. 

And although in that sense your BMI results are not a good way to define your ideal weight, they do strengthen the idea that, your ideal weight and your body type, go hand in hand. 

At Nawelo we teach you a simple and accurate way to define your ideal weight. The one at which you will feel and look your best. And the one you will be able to maintain naturally while enjoying food.

Just like that annoyingly stable thin friend.


Regain your natural energy, maintain your optimal weight and free yourself from the diet world. The Nawelo diet course includes a full diet menu with recipes, eating habits, craving control and much more!

Becoming everyone’s thin friend

Whether you are entering college, are getting ready to attend your friend’s wedding, are old enough to send your kids off to high school every morning, or are planning your retirement, anytime is a good time to start your Nawelo journey. Anytime is a good time to become that thin friend.

Will you be super skinny? That depends. It depends on what your natural body type is and how many of its variables can we change, and should we change. 

The Nawelo diet menu will make sure to allow you to make the best such changes, without excess, keeping you full of energy, maintaining your skin flexible and shiny and most importantly, enjoying your food. 

By identifying your natural weight and making the best use of nature to achieve the best version of your body type, you become your own best version. And following the Nawelo diet, that is a version that can stay always the same.

Then to everyone, friends, family, partners, you become that eat-what-you-love, always-slim character.

And for yourself, you become the best version of your natural traits. Want to be that person? Lose weight and keep the results? Subscribe to Nawelo today. It’s time to start your amazing journey.

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