Your Natural Weight Loss Diet
A Matter of Taste (buds...)
The Taste Puzzle
Food is delicious. And its deliciousness is varied. Any restaurant will have forty, fifty dishes to choose from. Any supermarket is filled with more and more flavor options.
And as much as we love what is tasty, at times, taste feels like our enemy in our fight with our weight. It lures us, it’s insistent, it is always present. We want to feel flavors, enjoy them, repeat them. But that leads to weight gain, and that makes us sad, or mad, or puzzled.
Yet, what if it could be the other way around? Could our taste buds help us enjoy food and lose weight? After all, taste buds are part of our nature. Could they be our ally in reaching the weight we desire?

Are taste buds our buddies?
The texture, color and smell of food counts. But what we love most about food is its taste. And it’s those tastes we crave the most that many times seem to be responsible for the cravings that lead to our weight gain.
Which brings about this question, or idea: what if we could control our taste buds? And thus, control our cravings. And thus, control our weight?
Is that an option? Could we master such an ability? And how difficult would it be?
Well, if we want to know whether we can count on these tiny receptors in our tongue for help, we need to take a closer look and understand what they do, how, and why.
How taste buds work
There is this myth about our tongues according to which each part of the tongue is responsible for allowing us to experience a certain taste. If it were true, perhaps we could try to avoid the contact of food with that part of the tongue, not feel the tastes we crave the most, and lose weight.
Except that it is in fact a myth, it simply isn’t true.
All the taste buds in our tongue and mouth can experience all tastes. Which are basically divided into five: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. And although we have a few types of taste buds, they all work essentially in the same way. So any food we eat, whichever taste it has, can be detected by any part of our tongue, as long as that part has taste buds.
This is how it works: small portions of the food come in contact with our saliva, are dissolved by it and penetrate a thin layer in our tongue where the taste receptors are. Those receptors capture the information, and send it to the gustatory cells in our brain. The part of our brain that deciphers taste. It sounds pretty simple, and to an extent, it is.
But, why? What is the essential idea behind this mechanism? Why do we experience taste?
Well, as everything in our body, it’s part surviving and part living. In other words, the taste buds can protect us, help us avoid food that is unhealthy or harmful to us. Signal which food is tasty or healthy. And that is one function of taste. To sound the alarm or give approval, so that we eat what is right.
The other part, their other function, is to lead us to what is enjoyable, allow us to experience the pleasures and blessings of life.
And for those two very important reasons, taste buds should be our friends.
Love your neighbor as yourself
If we want our taste buds to work well, we need to treat them right.
When our taste buds work efficiently, we can enjoy everything they have to offer. And when they work deficiently, we miss out on much of what we could have enjoyed.
Which might lead you to ask yourself, or tell yourself, that as far as you know, your taste buds are doing just fine. You certainly can taste all types of flavors. And nonetheless, that has not helped your weight issues at all.
After all, what we want to establish is whether we can use our taste buds as allies, to help us lose weight. And stay slim.
Well, although we divide food into five basic taste groups, in fact healthy taste buds can discern more than 100,000 flavors. So now, it’s up to us: do we want to enjoy the many, many tastes nature has to offer? Do we want to be able to discern and avoid the tastes that are harmful to us? For that, we need to take care of our buds.
And just as we wouldn’t want to overwhelm our friends, we don’t want to overwhelm our buds.
Taste buds and weight
With the Nawelo diet, we learn how to improve the quality and ability of our taste buds, create sensitivity, experience a larger amount of flavors and notice when a certain food or taste is unhealthy for our diet.
But, what is the connection between taste and weight loss?
Essentially, when we overwhelm taste buds, they become more inefficient. If we eat very salty food all the time, two things happen
- Food that is less salty feels bland. We can only enjoy food that is very salty.
- The more we keep up with that, the saltier the food needs to be for us to enjoy it as a new “flavor”. The problem only gets worse.
As our body loses its ability to discern more subtle tastes, it develops cravings. For salty food, for sweet food. Less developed, sensitive taste buds, that are constantly overwhelmed by very strong tastes, end up leading us from enjoying food (because of its very strong taste) to not enjoying it (unless it has a very strong taste). And that leads to craving.
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The Fix: Taste the Nawelo approach
The Nawelo diet enhances your ability to feel more tastes, enjoy more tastes and realize which tastes are helping your health and diet.
Using the Nawelo guidelines your taste buds realign with nature, and you can truly relearn to appreciate the unique and natural taste of foods. As a result, your cravings diminish, and that helps you both in the weight loss process, and in simply enjoying the pleasures of eating.
To start, all you need to do is purchase the diet today, and learn the secrets of natural weight loss. Food will taste better than ever, and you will discover how the best weapons you have for fighting excess weight are those within your own body.
In a way, it all is a matter of taste. Because taste does matter. It allows us to enjoy, it allows us to discover our unique preferences, and it allows us to create balance and lose weight.
Get started with Nawelo today and start your own natural weight loss journey.
Regain your natural energy, maintain your optimal weight and free yourself from the diet world. The Nawelo diet course includes a full diet menu with recipes, eating habits, craving control and much more!